Understanding Google Consent Mode Version 2: A Guide for WordPress Site Owners

March 19, 2024

Understanding Google Consent Mode Version 2: A Guide for WordPress Site Owners

What is Google Consent Mode Version 2?

Google Consent Mode Version 2 (GCMv2) represents an advancement in how websites can respect user privacy while still gathering valuable analytics data. This framework by Google allows website owners to adjust the behavior of their web services based on the consent status of their users. Specifically designed to work within the bounds of the latest privacy regulations like the GDPR, GCMv2 ensures that website analytics and advertising efforts can be optimized without compromising on user consent.

The Significance of GCMv2

GCMv2 provides a nuanced approach to handling user data, enabling essential analytics and advertising functions to operate in a limited, privacy-compliant manner when full consent is not granted. This means that websites can still gain insights into user behavior and ad performance without infringing on privacy laws.

Who Needs Google Consent Mode Version 2?

  1. WordPress Sites Using Google Services for Visitors in the EEE: If your site utilizes Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Tag Manager or any other Google services that collect user data, specifically with users in the EEE, implementing GCMv2 can help manage consent in a way that respects user choices and complies with legal standards. This includes those subjects to GDPR and similar law requirements, making GCMv2 essential for compliance while maintaining data intelligence capabilities. Not achieving compliance can lead not only to violations of privacy laws but also to Google potentially suspending critical marketing resources like Google Ads or Google Remarketing.
  2. Websites Notified by Google About Consent Compliance Issues: If you’re receiving consent alerts from Google regarding your website, it’s a clear indicator that you need to ensure your site is compliant with Google Consent Mode Version 2 (GCMv2), especially if you’re using services like Google Analytics or Google Ads. GCMv2 compliance is essential for adjusting how these services process data based on user consent, aligning with privacy regulations like the GDPR.
  3. Sites Seeking to Uphold High Privacy Standards: WordPress or WooCommerce site owners who are committed to respecting user privacy without compromising on the depth of analytics and advertising insights will deem Google Consent Mode Version 2 (GCMv2) both invaluable and, likely, unavoidable. This is true even for sites operating beyond the strict boundaries of the EEA as they strive to adhere to international privacy standards and keep pace with the rapidly evolving data privacy regulations across various countries and regions. Consequently, we advise proactively meeting these standards with GCMv2 implementation, regardless of current obligations, to stay ahead.

Implementing GCMv2 on WordPress Sites

To effectively implement Google Consent Mode Version 2 on your WordPress site, consider the following steps and tools:

  • Consent Management Plugins: Leverage WordPress plugins capable of integrating with GCMv2 such as CookieYes or Complianz. These plugins can help manage user consent signals and communicate these preferences to Google services, ensuring that data collection is adjusted based on user consent.
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Ads: Ensure your consent management solution is configured to work seamlessly with tools such as Google Analytics and Google Ads. GCMv2 allows these services to operate in a “restricted data processing” mode when consent is not given, enabling basic functions like traffic analysis and conversion measurement without accessing or storing identifiable user data.
  • Customization and Transparency: Customize your consent interface to clearly inform users about the data collection practices and the purpose behind them.
  • Record-Keeping and Compliance: Choose a plugin that maintains detailed records of user consent, as this is essential for demonstrating compliance with GDPR and potentially other regulations. Documentation should include when consent was given, what it was for, and the ability to audit this consent history as needed.

Legal Consultation

While this guide and the recommended tools provide a strong foundation for compliance, it’s important to consult with legal counsel to ensure your specific practices align with current laws. Legal experts can offer personalized advice tailored to your business’s unique situation and the specific data you handle.


Still not sure? We recommend checking out this video by the Google Data expert, Loves Data, on how CGMv2 works and can be implemented on your site. on For WordPress and WooCommerce site owners navigating the complexities of modern privacy regulations, Google Consent Mode Version 2 offers a sophisticated solution to comply with laws like the GDPR while still leveraging Google’s powerful analytics and advertising tools. By understanding and implementing GCMv2, you can ensure that your site respects user privacy, meets legal requirements, and continues to gather the marketing and user data insights necessary for success.

Matt Schwartz is an accomplished entrepreneur and technology expert based in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the founder and CEO of Inspry, a WordPress and WooCommerce web development and maintenance web agency that has been providing cutting-edge technology solutions to clients since 2011. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Matt has become a respected figure in the web development community and has helped numerous businesses achieve their digital goals.